... and today it is my pic for the Wednesday Wide Angled Challenge being hosted this week by osuzana. Thanks Hobbs for coming up with this challenge, as mentioned this "corner" is a special corner to me!

Back 40 years ago, when we built "on a corner" the time came to fence the boundaries! I had a "vision" of this brick fence on this corner side. Not having laid a brick before got some quotes and "ouch"!!!!

Not to be outdone, we had a discussion and decided we could do it our selves, got the council approval and away we went. What I did know about such things was the foundation was the key, and seems (touch wood)  the amount of foundation we put in, and not having it move over time means we must have been okay!

Then when we got to "THE CORNER" of course not being bricklayers came to a thuddering halt! 
How the H.... do we do a corner? 

By this time in our lives we had a bouncy son, who had acquired some building blocks, so over two nights the "happy hours" we had with neighbour at that point, also entailed "the design" for "the corner".

Well, now we fast forward to today and you have the chance to see the final result - "Wednesday Wide Angled - theme Corner".

Enjoy, and do not look too close in LARGE to see the inferior laying, but hope you like my " special corner".

As you see we have a dull damp day today as well, more rain all day. 

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