A bright future

So today marks a blip milestone. It seems ever such a long time ago when I started blipping as a way of saving some favourite memories as I prepared to leave Jordan. 

Never for a minute did I imagine that this daily routine would have lasted beyond those few summer months.  Fast forward three years and I am blessed to have made many virtual and one or two 'real life' friends as a result of this wonderful, wonderful community. 

Plus I now share my home with a blip super star his posts always generate the biggest response. A big thank you to everyone for following my adventures and for cheering my day as I browse your lovely journals. This really is one of the very best addictions to have. 

Top Tunes for June - a song you have to get up and dance to.  I defy you to keep your seat when this track blasts out.  Happy Wednesday Blip buddies :)

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