On Lookout Duty.......!!

This is one of Mel's lookout posts when she's on 'guard duty'...
And she takes this job very seriously.....!!
She has a huge deep bark ...scary.....and as no one can see her from the front of our house, it works....!
Well she's really quite nervous....but I'm not sure how she would react if a stranger tried to get in!!!!!!

Anyway there is no question of her getting outside to 'play' today..........
As we are getting as promised by our Met. Office a MIST (read quite heavy rain).... Crossing from the West and apparently to clear by late afternoon or early evening.....!
Bit of a disappointment after the fine days but I suppose needed by gardens and farmers....and it should help refill our water butts....
And it's still warm.....
Hope all have a good Wednesday........

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