The School Run (Walk)

After dropping off the boys (human type) this morning he called and said there was a lot of police & ambulance activity on the route to school in case I wanted to leave early. We decided that as we had plenty of time we'd leave at 0800 and walk it. I don't have to go into the school grounds now to make sure they go into class, they are big boys now, so that means I can take the dogs and see Lennon off at the gate.
It does mean a walk of about 1.25 hours but Jonty loves it and it doesn't do Foxy any harm, in fact he seemed to quite enjoy it.

Foxy met a few dogs on the way there and back, he was good as gold and was nose to nose with a huge Bernese, Swiss Mountain Dog
Other dogs he just ignored apart from a casual glance but they kept there distance and were distracted by Jonty anyway.

Edit note - That pose from Lennon, better explain, he just can't keep still, he's a dancer, wriggler, mover and shaker. I think this was a bit of River Dance he was doing!

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