
We have been tired today because we were up almost all night. It was a do or die-game for Sweden in the football World Cup, they were playing against Australia. It started at 2 am. I was super tired and would have loved to stay in the warm and comfy bed, but I snoozed on the sofa to keep mum company. In the end they tied 1-1. I am not sure I fully understand the rules... I am also not sure that it is worth losing a full night's sleep to watch stuff like this.

Anyways, I had a nice morning walkie with a play session at the end of it. I very much enjoy my new toy! And I have forgiven mum for last night's bath. I usually do, after an hour or so. Tonight, it is raining in an un-summery way, and I had to wear my overalls for the first time in a very long time.

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