On the Lookout

Half past three is when we wake up, because that's when the sun rises and wakes us. Mum usually puts on her eye mask and tells me to go back to sleep. I try to be patient, but at 645 I start my Let's get up routine, and mum soon has to come to go early morning walkies with me.

The sun had dried the wet grass already by mid morning, so there was nothing else for it. It was lawn mowing day. Mum did it in shifts, so it wasn't too bad. We went for a very nice walk in my forest, up to the great rock, which is where I am standing in the photo. There were fresh wild boar diggings! Also, I searched and searched for bilberries. Not a single one! Last year I enjoyed bilberries from July to October. Sigh.

Sweden played football again, and lost. Don't tell mum, but I think all this football watching is becoming pretty boring. No wonder lawn mowing took all day, when she had to watch the match too.

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