a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Corner Shop

Wide Angle Wednesday: Corner

Before I start on today's blip I just wanted to say thank you to those of you that have been kind enough to star, fav., or comment on the Singing in the Wires blip from Monday. I've been rather overwhelmed by it all. The air seems thin up there on the first page of popular and its not something I'm used to.

So, feet back on the ground, on with today's blip and the Wide Angle Wednesday challenge...

St Nicholas Markets in Bristol is a covered space in which there is a maze of little shop units, such as this one, the very yellow Second Hand Book Shop.  There are second hand record shops (vinyl of course), craft shops, a shoe repair shop (does anyone call that a cobblers anymore I wonder) and a shop called Twilight Fashions which sells clothing for Vampires, as far as I can tell.
I'm trying to get some miles in on my bike at the moment by riding to work (amongst other things), which means that I don't have my Nikon with me during the day.  So this shot is taken with the iPhone 5 and the Olloclip wide angle attachment. 

Hobbs Wide Angle Wednesday is being hosted by osuzanna this week.  You can see other entries here.

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