Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Blowing in the wind

The flowers of the oil seed rape in the field behind our house are going over, but we can now see beautiful red poppies appearing.  They are already lovely and I can see that many more will be flowering soon.

It was Geek Meek's blip yesterday that inspired me to take my camera out this evening. The poppies were being blown in all directions at the time.

It's Wednesday, but sadly not a walking day for Aggie and me.  I did some shopping, looked at new cars (no idea what to get this time, now that my faithful Peugeot garage has closed) and met a man about windows.

Marie has a bad knee too - she is one of our long walks' leaders - so we had a long chat on the 'phone to cheer each other up this morning. It worked.

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