Caffeine Deficient

This, believe it or not, is only my third cup of coffee today.

For those of you who know me well, you will not believe where I had my first.

In a Maccy D's, opposite West Bromwich Albion Football Club at just after 0730 this morning. Don't ask.

My second was in Booka, our favourite book and coffee shop in Oswestry. I had to go into the bank for School Mission and, as Mrs DD was going in the see the lovely Rhian, we met up for coffee. I asked Mrs DD if she would ask Rhian if she could fit me into her busy schedule at the last minute which, bless her, she did. "Only for you Howard" she said. I don't believe her.

And this is my third. Looking forward to it.

Going out for a pre-birthday treat tomorrow evening which I am looking forward to very much.

Will reveal all through Blip tomorrow, all being well.

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