
By hallucination30

Bad hair day

No good photos today. Took this to show my friend my hair hoping for some ideas for a freshen up, trying to grow out this flipping fringe!
Anyway, a day of no plans and for some reason I felt desperate to get out so my mate mentioned a kids activity morning at a Ye olde sweet and ice-cream shop run by a lady from church, quite a distance but I figured we'd be ok bussing it! Took ages getting Sammy on the potty before we left, then Lucie picked it up and threw it everywhere (first time). after cleaning up we rushed to the bus realising after we got on that we didn't have enough cash (by a few pence) so had to get off and walk to the shops, Sammy refusing to walk and screaming the whole way. Eventually got on another bus and it took 45 mins plus a 20 minute walk mostly uphill before we finally arrived, a sweaty tantrumy mess. What joy. Lucie decided to spend the whole time throwing herself on the floor screaming because I wouldn't left her throw herself down the stairs... (?) Sammy was constantly asking for attention so before I cried in front of everyone I bundled them back in the buggy (and on buggy board) and started the long walk back to the bus having a little sob along the way :) after a 20 minute wait we were finally on the 45 min bus journey home! And breathe. Ridiculous idea to go so far, NEVER AGAIN!
Lovely bbq at house group tonight so that made up for a crazy morning :)

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