the promise

Sienna was promised painted toenails for the last few days of the holidays if she did not bite her nails anymore. We are talking toenails here not the finger ones - still working on stopping biting them. She has always loved ever since she could get her feet in her mouth to have a nibble - gross I know! Anyway for a few licks of orange polish she has stopped herself from doing this, long may it last!

Thank you Niki for the 'orange bottle of reward'!

On another milestone note, Sienna swam the equivalent of 6 lengths of a 25 metre pool today - with her floaty vest on. Not that remarkable for a five year old I know BUT this it the kid who until today would hardly move at all in the water, wouldn't wear goggles yet cried if any water splashed her face and topped it all off my putting her head under - twice!

I love these sort of 'development' surprises!!!

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