
By momcat1


It's a little out of focus between the near dark ISO 800 and my friend's unfamiliarity with an SLR.Her chosen camera is her iPhone. But , a rarity , I'm in it. And if it is out of focus, well life feels a little out of focus sometimes. I had the most amazing work environment for 25 years. 20 with H and slightly less with M, the nouveau  photographer. And within 1 years time the whole office changed,family needs driving most of the changes . I miss the friendship and camaraderie and regret the physical distance that makes getting together so uncommon an occurrence now. As thing at home have begun to come back into focus , things at work have  become  more unclear in many ways. There will be more changes to come. Life is anything but static and you have to roll with it . One thing that is clearer is that in spite of 3 years and a few thousand miles distance , we are all still friends. And we do have these frequent flier miles.......

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