First Flower

No. It's not the first flower I have ever shot. Back in Blipfoto pre-history I shot them all the time. I have on-line galleries devoted to them. Buuut it IS my first flower in quite a while and the first flower (and indeed the first official picture) from my Olympus Stylus 1.

I could rabbit on for ages about my philosophy on cameras but you'll all be delighted to know I won't. Suffice to say that now in the "autumn" of my life (when I find it difficult to remember my own name occasionally) I have found that when owning two or more cameras, each set up and optimised for particular types of photography, it is important that they operate in a similar fashion. I am losing count of the number of shots I have lost lately because I was too slow ... because I effectively forgot what camera I was using. The Stylus 1 and the E-M5 not only look pretty much the same, they operate according to a filial philosophy. I am hoping that'll make me a lot faster when the chips are down from now on.

Why a flower? I have to admit that BikerBear's Flower Friday has been powerfully successful and the recent floral tributes in honour of Alma did move me greatly. I have come to feel I should go with the flow for a while. Starting next Friday I shall try to become an official flower shooter again. Today is a sort of warm up.  

In any event ThingsBeautiful's theme for the next Wide Angle Wednesday challenge (widwed17) will be "Floral". I'd better get my act together.

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