Stop thief

What a hideously crap night.
I'm seriously considerings Lee's offer of going to stay away for one night just to try and catch up on sleep. We had full throttle screaming. I know he is in pain, it's obviously his teeth, but it's getting bonkers now.

Did ballet, collected parcels from the sorting office, croissant shop (how did I spend £19?) home. Made a den on the sofa and dozed with Munchie snuggled up on me, whilst Wom and daddy played.

Lunch. Disaster. Daddy thought eating outside would be nice. Munch was a tinker. Skidding about in the paddling pool, climbing, jumping and generally not eating. Tears flowed.

Got everyone in the car, double buggy too (took a picture to remember how to get it in the boot easily) went to watch the school bell boating regatta. Weather closed in so we made a hasty exit and went to pick strawberries. The heavens opened.

Luckily we were under the poly tunnels, but was very loud. The lovely farm workers lead us to a great batch of enormous strawberries. Wom kept darting his little hands out to eat more!

Home, chilled played
Baths bed and relax

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