
By tepeka


There are some days when you don't even need to think about what to blip, and today was one of them.

The Geek mug came courtesy of the boy child, which is very much a case of the pot calling the kettle black. And the clock was made by the girl child, themed in a nice rainbow-y peace symbol. In another of those now-I-feel-old moments, she had no idea that it had once been the logo for CND. Or, indeed, what CND was. 

I'm not a big fan of 'Hallmark holidays' and really don't believe that children need to be giving their parents presents at all, but maybe that's just me pro-actively making excuses for the inevitable years when they've left home and forget about Father's Day. In the meantime, it's just nice to have kids who are still happy to give me gifts, whether I agree with the reasoning behind the 'holiday' or not! And who wouldn't be delighted with a new mug and clock?

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