
By tepeka


I can't make up my mind whether I'm being arty or just really lazy...

I've decided that this week I'm just going to shoot mono images. Furthermore, I'm not allowed to edit them at all, not even crop them or tweak the exposure. 

So I've set the camera to take monos and to save them as JPGs, so I'm not tempted to play around with them afterwards. The above is my first effort, taken in the small cafe near my office where I had lunch. It would have been a pic of my spinach and watercress soup but, frankly, it looked fairly unappealing in real life, so I'm not sure a photo would have helped.

And there you have it? Arty? Or lazy? Probably a bit of both. But I was getting into a bit of a rut of: go for a walk, take a mediocre picture of a tree, edit it in Lightroom so it looks halfway decent. Or: don't go for a walk, take a panicky picture of something in the kitchen, edit it in Lightroom so it looks slightly less appalling. 

Hopefully taking away the safety net of Lightroom will make me think a bit more about the pictures. For a week, anyway. Or until I get bored.

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