Polka-dot Purple

Today's the day ........................... for a prize-winner

Normally by this time in the year, I have blipped at least one, if not more, of my streptocarpi .

You will remember that I have already confessed that if I were a plant, I would be one of them - just because they are so gorgeous.  I love everything about them and I grow as many different varieties as I can get my hands on. 

So imagine my delight when I was given a present recently of this little beauty by my sister-in-law Margaret and brother Ron.  They had been at the Chelsea Flower Show this year and this is where they had come upon it.  Every year, the RHS plant committee members select the 20 plants that will be considered for the title of 2015 Chelsea Plant of the Year. The range of plants covers edibles, seasonal bedding and shrubs and all are being exhibited to the public for the first time.

Streptocarpus 'Polka-Dot Purple' with its striking white and purple flowers, exhibited by Dibleys Nurseries won second prize.......................

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