
Today's the day ......................... to go to the end of the world

We got up very early - and it's taken us most of the day to get here.

We have travelled many miles through three countries by fast car and ferry.  But we are here at last, in the far west of County Connemara in Ireland - surrounded by some of the most beautiful, unspoilt scenery that you could ever wish to see.

And what's more, if I tell you that the house that we are staying in was described in the following way by its original owner, Oliver St. John Gogarty- you will understand why I am so happy to be here -

'My house ....... stands on a lake, but it stands also on the sea - waterlilies meet the golden seaweed.  It is as if, in the faery land of Connemara at the extreme end of Europe, the incongruous flowed together at last, and the sweet and bitter blended.  Behind me the island and mountainous mainland share in a final reconciliation, at this, the world's end'  .......................

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