The Last Shot

Before my camera ran out of juice.  Didn't get a picture of the baby mountain goat that we came across after this one.  Extra shot is of a ground squirrel. 

We decided to go hike the lower trail at Mt Elinor a less rigorous hike seeing as it's been a long time since we've done a serious one.   But thanks to bad directions we ended up at the parking lot for the steeper upper trail so we decided we would give it a go.  It's a 3.2 mile round trip hike with a 2,444 feet of elevation, challenging to say the least, especially the upper half of it which was steep and involved clambering up a lot of rocks.  We stuck it out to about 1.3 miles (doesn't sound like a lot but it is when going up most of it) out just so we could get to where the goats started before heading back down.  We plan on going back, starting earlier in the day to hopefully do the whole thing.

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