Inverted !
Afternoon all,
Got up to "CAN I BAKE CAKES...CAN I ...CAN I ...CAN I !!!"........obvious moment of weakness....or I was trying to get my mouth to work and a noise emitted that I thought was a be fair after nightshift and having literally just opened my eyes, I'm surprised my mouth was awake to work....but the mumble was interpretated as ..." do it !!!"
No was......I'm still trying to work that one out! So fairy cakes are in the oven.....still to ice then sprinkle.......all I have to say is they better be ready to go on nightshift tonight with least 10, 8, many as I can grab going out the door !!! ;0)
Inverted the colours on this and loved the there....just cause I like the colour......;0)
The tune's for the weekend....turn it up ........!!! Trust me !!! ;0)
Have a great evening ;0)
TTFN ;0)
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