
#2 daughter drove up with Thomas and James - she wanted to reassure us James was doing well as he'd been in hospital with a 'viral chest infection' and has a strange contraption to fit over his nose and mouth on one end, and an inhaler on the other. Poor baby doesn't seem bothered by the illness - he's a trooper, laughing and smiling and crawling around, between coughing and wheezing.

The cold and grey disappeared in the afternoon so we all headed up to Cragside to the adventure playground so that Thomas, now 2 and a half, could go on the zip wire. He loved it. James went on the swings. We had a picnic then when they drove off home I decided to walk back as I'd not done enough Fitbit steps. I got a bit lost in the labyrinth, and ended up going further than I intended. Getting out of the grounds I then had a steep hill to get up, before braving the Highland cows and calves in the field on the way to our house - I wanted to have enough energy to keep a brisk pace, making sure not to upset the cows by walking between them and the calves. Oh the stress of country living!

The blip is Cragside House and the extra is Nelly's Moss Lake, both taken on my walk.

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