
By Munroist4113

Carole and Paul (only one a saint!)

I had a brilliant day in London with my dear friend Carole. Believe it or not, we spent all day in the Tate Modern. First we went to look at arte povera, then saw some very interesting work of Louise Bourgeois, by which time we had to dash for our timed entry to the Matisse cut-out exhibition. I had feared that this would be a bit mainstream for Carole's taste, as we'd both seen lots of Matisse already, including my favourite, the chapel in Vence, but in fact the carnation showing the progression of his work was so well done we both loved it. It was 2.30 before we thought of lunch which we had in the Tate restaurant, pictured above. After a jolly chat with a woman from North Carolina and her teenage daughter, (here for the Globe and Harry Potter), and a woman from Aukland who was trying to interest the V and A in her textile work, we had to dash for our train back. What a great day!"

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