Flame thrower!

Well I caved in! Due to popular demand I went with my neighbour to Tarbet to see 17 year old Myles Clarke from Tayvallich proudly carry the Olympic Torch through the village. AS you can see he was madley cheered on by lots of local Mid ARgyll people who turned out to support him, a day Im sure he will never forget. I notice he wasn't surrounded by the usual tazer carrying MI5 mob I have seen so far, maybe they think us teuchtars are more friendly or maybe our vampire Scottish midgies scared the bejeezus out of them!
For me it began at 6.45 am with an early morning call from my neighbour lest I sleep in! no chance of that. We were out the door at 7.15 as we weren't sure what parking facilities (if any) STrathclyde's finest had arranged. Think we were among some of the first to arrive to be gret by a gazzillion midgies having a bloodfest on all the poor pipers. We listened to some new Olympic song (very cheesy) and a Gaelic song (how did they manage to pick a dirge from Harris to sing!) then some cool pipes & drums. The GErman tour bus that pulled in must have thought we were nuts!
Anyhows as my friend said when will we see the likes again! (I refrained from answering that)
Enjoying the good weather though.

Happy blipping

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