This day

By snapper

Evening plod

Slowly getting back to normal after the funeral. Took my other cousin back to Oban then drove back home.
Still heavy rain on and off, what is it with the weather?
Eventually it cleared up and was able to take doggies out for an evening plod along the canal. got loads of lovely pics but still need to go over them so I just picked this one at random, tweaked the levels and here we are.

At the moemnt we have 4 cars parked in front of the house. Today I filled in the DVLA form to transfer the registration from my dad's old car to its replacement (Billy's old car) However I have now bought Billys other car (same make and model as his last one) so I need to get rid of the wee Punto and the big Peugot which I love to bits as its so comfy but is beginning to go wrong.I did ask my son's pal did he want the Punto but he said no, I was telling our neighbour this yesterday and today he came over and asked if we would give him the Punto to give to his daughter and I said yes providing he MOT's it himself. Now I just need to get rid of the Peugot and then we will be back down to two cars.

HAve a good blip evening all

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