Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Weeds on the lawn

At this time of year, the lawn is full of pretty 'weeds'... tiny buttercups, daisies, clover and these purple flowers which look like a miniature orchid but I don't know what they are. This morning it was bottoms up and head down as I crawled all over the grass taking photos of these tiny flowers.

We had a fun evening at book club last night, and Luke excelled himself making cocktails for us. It sounds decadent to be having cocktails on a Tuesday night but we each had only one drink, and he offered Pimms or Mojitos. He makes the best Mojito ever! I very much appreciated having extra help, as Sarah our house guest helped prepare all the snacks and tidied up afterwards too - it is bliss having a girl in the house!

Tonight Luke has a friend coming to stay, and with the long summer evenings they are able to play tennis after he finishes work.

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