Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Tickety bee?...

..It's been a funny old day.
All plans went awry.
And I heard that someone special is in hospital.
Get well soon young man!

The image is a quick garden snap.
Another family member (I'm delighted to say) has started to take an interest in identifying bees.
Isn't that just tickety boo?

(Tickety boo though?
I'm reminded of my Grandad, who had an interesting turn of phrase and was known once, when asked by the Doctor to explain exactly how he was feeling, to clarify by saying, 'well, I'm all ziggety pap'.
'Tickety boo' isn't so bad perhaps?).

Hoping for a less worrying tomorrow.
Happy Wednesday.

P.S. Bees (when I was a kid) seemed to be so abundant; when lying in clover the buzz was constant. There weren't many today :-(
P.P.S. Thank you photorat for edit advice! Editing right now! :-)

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