Sweet, sticky and OH SO YUMMY

It never fails that on the days I feel the most hungry, there is temptation all around me.  The older we get, the less we can eat and the more we have to move.  It's like some sort of cruel joke.  I've gotten the moving thing down pretty good.  My wrist is never without my FitBit tracking my every step.  I'm all too aware of the days I'm slacking off.  It's the food that seems the hardest to be disciplined about.
It's going good despite my minor setbacks.  I'm down 18 pounds and although it's a VERY slow process, I'm sure I'll accomplish my goal. 

Today was art class and it was Lynn's Birthday,  Lynn brought in the cake I photographed for today's Blip.  I know everyone takes turns bringing in a snack to have with our coffee in class so I was prepared and brought a banana.,   Did I mention I hate bananas??  I force myself to have one now and then because they are filling and if you get them at the exact right ripeness they aren't too bad. 
When I saw the cake I thought, okay, just a teeny tiny piece.  Lynn gave me a very small piece and I only ate the icing.  The icing was like marshmallow fluff.  Such a sugar rush!!  Wow. 
Later in the day I brought my grandson over to my parent's house where they were watching four of my nephews.  They boys were great with Nicholas and they went swimming for a couple of hours before returning in the house with their eyes wide for food. 
I watched them all stuffing their faces with meat, pasta, warmed bread, salad.  I took my sad looking banana out of my purse and ate half of it.  I couldn't get the rest down, it was gross.  They boys were laughing and goofing around at the table.  Sure, I'd be happy too after all that food.  Ah well, they're still growing and well, I would still be growing too if I ate all that and it wouldn't be taller. 

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