Oh that puppy!!!!

The other day Dillon snuck into my bedroom where the contractors are working and stole one of the worker's lunch.  He ate the entire egg salad sandwich. 
Today he snuck in there again and walked all over the newly stained wood floor and then proceeded to walk all over the house with his stained paws!!
Thankfully we have laminate flooring in a lot of the area that he walked on before the stain wore off his paws.  We were able to wash it up.  Unfortunately the newly stained floor needed to be sanded and touched up so we are still waiting for it to dry. 
Dillon is still technically a puppy and the latch on the door must not have been closed properly.  Like the contractor said to me, things happen, no need to freak out, there is a 'fix' for everything. 
My photo was taken today at Pier 1 Imports.  I love this store.  There is so much fun stuff to look at.  This display was for the Fourth of July coming up next weekend,  I've had a huge BBQ for over 30 years on that day which also happens to be my oldest, Christopher, birthday. 

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