
By Munroist4113

Perfect Rose

The forecast was for rain by lunchtime so I picked Ailie up at 9 so that we'd have a brief window to see if the David Austin roses in Alnwick Castle Gardens were out. They were just gorgeous, and the scent as we walked through was just lovely. They should be even more prolific next weekend when S and M come up to see them. They didn't all have names on which is a shame, but maybe just as well, as I'd be in the catalogue ordering more - no point in paying for deer food again.

The poppies were also lovely, as were the irises in the formal garden.

Ailie did really well with all the walking, only 3 weeks since she got her new hip. We even did a Lidl shop where I was tempted by the caramel wafers.

For some reason only one extra photo will upload, of Ailie in the garden.

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