Day by day in pics...

By LilShaz

Endure 24

Day 44 streaking

A few months ago my friend asked if I was free the weekend of 13 June. I answered "yes" then got told that she had entered me to be part of a 6 person relay team for Twinings Tea at the Endure 24 race.

"Endure 24 is a twenty four hour race run over a 5 mile loop of forest trails. It takes place in the scenic Wasing Park Estate, Aldermaston near Reading.

Free camping, showers, 24 hour catering, 24 hour massage, entertainment and beautiful surroundings give it an exciting festival feel. It’s Glastonbury for runners (but with clean loos).

5 minute milers or 15 minute milers everyone is welcome, compete as an individual, pair or team of 3 to 8 runners. Experienced Ultra runners and endurance virgins are equally welcome."

Bags packed with warm clothes for the evenings (I'm a avid festival goer so I know layers is an essential), trainers, shorts, head lamp, Hi5 gels, electrolyte powders, soreen, protein powder and of course my old faithful Nike bumbag. I'm set for this 24 hour challenge...

Team Twinings - We need Tea n Cake

Let's do this...

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