This little finger in my right

Daddy got home at 10:30 last night, good job I hadn't said that Munchie could stay up till he got home!
Swimming this morning, Wom did very well, Munchie was being a monkey so took her out of the pool for a minute until she was ready to listen again. It worked. She did some fab swimming, wearing just her costume, usually she swims in a wet suit, but this gives her bouyancy which isn't great for diving down!
Both slept
Both had to be woken for lunch.
Group, auntie Helena came too.
Munchie appeared to enjoy it without her friends, but has continually asked me since why they weren't there.
Munchie made pizza for tea, auntie Helena said it was yummy.

Daddy's gone shooting
I'm in bed
First settling session for preschool tomorrow, I'm working an extra half day come September so going to drop Wom at nursery then take Munchie to school with me and she will go into our pre school.

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