The blip with no title

Funny old day today. Charlotte woke at 6:10, I had obviously not set her gro clock quite right as it was still on blue sky with one star to go, but set for 5:55? I'm confused

I did nursery run and then popped to morrisons for kitchen towel and baked beans, got home and got a text from Ocado to say a couple of things were missing from our order. Grrrrrr.

Big photo is Charlotte chewing mrs cats ear.

Tried to fit the replacement buggy board / given up, sending it back, just doesn't sit right etc.

Went to meet syracnelle for lunch, very tasty, very lovely, William enjoyed cuddles a great deal. Had a grim hour where I couldn't get hold of lee so wasn't sure who was picking Charlotte up from nursery. At 4:30 a text came through that he had sent at 4;00 to say could I collect, to ring when I got message. William then decided that a nappy change and milk were vital prior to getting out of the house, I still couldn't get through to lee!

Collected small girl, home just as daddy got back.

Packing needs to be done.......

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