Porto Castello de Sirmione

A good nights sleep after our traipsing a around Verona yesterday. Then a lovely leisurely walk alongside the lake in the early moving sun. A pit stop for a cappuccino along the way too.

We headed back to the hotel to make a start on the packing once the temperature started to rise towards the mid 80s! This was followed by a lite lunch of mixed salami and ham platter with a Plain pizza like base, dressed with oregano and olive oil, washed down by an Aperol Spritz of course, at our favourite little cafe ;-)

We finished the packing, had another stroll around the harbour, as seen in this blip. We noticed the temperature in the shade was bordering on 90 degrees, it's been a hot one today...and before dinner this evening we are taking a boat trip with aperitifs around the peninsula courtesy of our hotel which will be lovely I'm sure! After dinner we are meeting up with a couple we met earlier this week for a drink before calling it a night!

As you can see there won't be much time for blipping later this evening, so I though this shot of our little harbour with some of its boats on their moorings would give you a flavour of what our stay has been like, just lovely and most definitely fun :-)

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