In fair Verona, where we lay our scene...........

Another wake up call for an early breakfast, again!, before we went off to our meeting point for our trip to the city of Verona today. Once everyone was on board, the drive was only an hour or so.

As we drove through one of the Roman gates into the city's centre, and got off our coach, our tour guide lead us through the streets to Piazza Bra (the Big Square to you and I!). It was awash with tourists, and there was a car rally of sorts too. Many Fiat Barrachetta cars all lined up either side. I do have a good shot of them, and will try to upload an extra or two from our trip via laptop once home, but no facility to do this via iPad just now. During some free time we went into the Roman Amphitheater, which is absolutely staggering! They were mid stage construction at present, as it's The Opera Festival season, one of the coming productions is Aida and we saw some of the many sets and props stacked up outside on massive trucks. The theatre holds 16000 spectators and prices range from €25-200!!!!

We then visited the Piazza Erbe, which is more of a market square with many stalls and cafes.

Then on to Juliets house, then Romeos, and several stunning churches, towers and bridges.

My intention was to blip Juliets balcony, but it was quite plain and once I had seen this shot, of a more mature Romeo and Juliet, sat on the bench inside the archway that leads into Juliets courtyard, with the walls completely covered in love messages, in many languages, left by visitors over many years, I wanted to share this more modern version with you.

Verona is a lovely, but very busy, and quite hot today, so by the time we had had lunch, in an old church converted into a pizzeria, walked around some more and back to the coach for 4pm...I can tell you we are pooped!!

Last day tomorrow :-( .....a little relaxing is required I think, otherwise we will need a holiday when we get home ;-)

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