
By Annieone

A Surprise.........!

I had a nice surprise when I found this little planter under one of my patio rose bushes.....
I had it in the glasshouse wasn't doing at all well and I put it outside.....and in a huge spurt of growth in the last couple of weeks the rose hid it.....
I noticed the colour through the rain sodden rose leaves this morning and pulled it out...
I'm's in flower again....I don't know what it is??
I also have a white one on my porch windowsill and it grew huge with beautiful flowers...
But this one was a challenge .....I love it when something you think is finished blossoms again...
And did I mention the rain??? seems we had it overnight..
But it cleared early today...and we've had another beautiful day....
Happy Friday everyone and have a good weekend.....
And hope this entry is ok for Flower Friday....!

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