All Whacked on Scooby Snacks...
Have you ever been involved in a conversation where you are being completely involved in the too'ing and fro'ing, but you have absolutely no idea what the hell they are talking about.
This happens to me all the time.
The chat is moving along, and then they say "oh of course, and remember when she did that thing with the skipping ropes and the icecubes"... and everyone in the group nods and agreed, and then say things like, "yes, but she was married to that chap who did the thing with the gymnastic poles, before she got there".
I sit there thinking, did I just miss a section of this conversation?
I wonder if maybe they think I am someone else and that someone else has been included in previous conversations.
And then I think; maybe the mothership happened along precisely at the moment I was with these people before; dropped someone else off in my place while I was getting my batteries changed, and therefore I missed it.
And then I realise that I am so prone to drift off into my own world; that the chances are that I have been present for all the conversations but I am so unable to maintain concentration for any great length of time that I drift off and miss huge swathes of it.
It's just the way I am.
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