Hoping You're someone I used to know...

Today, by chance I wandered into a shop I don't use.  

It's in the next town, and I only used it, because I clicked the wrong click and collect shop postcode.   I hadn't even had notification that my parcel had been delivered, but I had contacted the seller, because I thought it had gone walk about, and they told me where it was. 

So I walked in, and wandered over to the counter. 

"I have a parcel to collect" I said.   "over here", said the lady. 

And I wandered over, and she checked my address, and looked at me and said, 

"I know you".   

I looked closely at her, but nothing rung any bells. 

"where do you work" she asked.   "over at the other side of the airport", I answered, "a wee private company". 

She looked at me again, and said "Did you not work at Aerospace?"

I looked at her closely, and laughed out loud.  "I did, but not for.... wow, 30 years".   

"You worked in the palace, I remember, with JT and RH", and shook her head and laughed, "what a time you had". 

"you haven't changed, one little bit, how lovely to see you again". 

I was completely gobsmacked.  

This is me - 28 yeras ago... 30 years ago, I had even less hair and a penchant for wearing rather a lot of "romantic" make up. 

How chuffed was I, that she spotted this, little "14 " year old me ... inside this much older, sophisticated me.... 

(You do know that I tell fibs about my age, doncha? )

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