Deflated Dad....

Started the day off with a 3 bike rally round bull's field to get one of the Angus bull's in. (Kiwi,who I bought at Carlisle last May) He certainly doesn't look like he did last May now he is in his working clothes !
Took him over next door to meet his harem of spring calving cows.
Spent the rest of the morning doing office work.
After lunch started to sort out the silage pit ready for making a start next week.
Went down to check cattle tonight and moved 2 lots of cows into one field, as the grass starting to get away from them.Also moved the bullocks into another field to let the field they had been in come away for cutting later on .
Spotted this left over from Father's Day in the grass so lifted it as just the thing to choke a beast. Last year there were also the remains of a few Chinese lanterns which are worse,as the wire can kill a beast once swallowed by piercing their gut and leading to peritonitis,and the lantern can also cause fires as they land.

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