
By bananablip

rubbish picture / weird day

today has been an odd mix of dull and necessary things, following by exciting but hugely stressful things finished off with brilliant and hilarious things.

report writing and meetings and agendas and emails this morning.

then, due to a random few events this week, i found myself with mum, dad and ss this afternoon viewing both a car and a flat. odd. i went into the afternoon not really bothered about the flat and expecting to buy a car but then really, really liking the flat and therefore having to reject the car after test driving it. so stressful. i want to be a child again and let everybody else make the decisions for me. being a grown up is over-rated.

quick g&t with ma and pa and then off to lovely lucy and roddy's home for a bbq. such a brilliant night of hilarity, zambia reminiscing and fun.

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