
By bananablip

'my name is hannah & this is what i do all day'

this afternoon was our usual slot at st. giles school. i wouldn't normally take my camera but today we had the school’s permission to do some filming for our end of year review video.

here we have our PABLO class (performing arts and bible lessons). today we were looking at the feeding of the five thousand, which i told the story of using a picnic blanket and lots of paper bread and fishes. above we have andy leading a musical activity while pulling a great face. i can only imagine that martin’s face is one of concentration, as shortly after this he led the most incredible drama activity, which the kids loved. from there we went on to our drama class with year fives.

i love doing this one bit of primary school work, as it’s such a contrast to anything else we do. i couldn’t do it every day, but it’s so fun for an afternoon a week.

this evening we are at st. julian’s for our first ever young-adult-chill-out-worship-night. probably not as high energy as our afternoon.

i have absolutely no recollection of what i did this morning. that's a sure sign that it must be nearly time for a break.

(early run this morning with ss. poor girl is so sick of me banging on about how fat i'm getting but not doing anything about it that she was prepared to go and run with me. what a hero.)

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