A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Glitz and Glamour

Not me. But today it has been all around me. Anna has been in two dances shows which has also meant two dress rehearsals and an entire day at the theatre. For some reason I agreed to chaperone the first show and because I have been a very bad person and needed to be punished I was put in charge of 20-odd 3 and 4 year olds. Fortunately there was a chance for a quiet moment in the park to recover from that before being the right side of the stage to watch the second show. All went swimmingly and was lots of fun and very entertaining. Each year as the school grows and the children develop there are more and more impressive performances. And to add to the happiness (and all the great stuff going on for our lovely daughter) Anna won the school Performance Cup. And for those who know him, Cameron won the Boys Cup so much whooping all round.

In contrast it has been a tough one for J but progress does continue and he continues to amaze and astound us with his strength.

No great pictures from the day but here's a glimpse into the dress rehearsal.

Lesley x

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