
By Angelique


We have spent the entire day in the garden, mowing, weeding, planting  and generally having a good sort out.

I couldn't resist taking a photo of this amazing accommodating bee who was enjoying the large daisys on the rockery wall.  It was lovely to see his eyes in such detail.

We had a visit from this young fox whilst having our evening meal and he first appeared very close to our boundary but by the time I got the camera, he had moved further on in the field.  He is not very old and looks very lean.

The third picture is of the lovely daisies that grow along the top of the wall.  I just loved the way they caught the light.

After we had finished all the garden work, we took Phoebes down to the beach for a run around as usual and she is getting bolder going further into the sea.

I hope whatever you have been doing today, it has been enjoyable.  The world is a fantastic place to be, enjoy it as it is freely given.  We all have the gift of giving love and laughter so spread it around.  We live at a time when we can see the wrong that is being carried out.  Now is the time to combat it with love!!!

Thankyou for your kind comments on yesterday's blip.  Sending love to you all, fellow blippers. 

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