
By lucia13

The busy bee!

I forgot my Nikon  at the house of my friend Ali so I couldn't blip any picture of the open gardens art exhibition today. Sorry about that. We realise it just when arrived home and now it is too late go back. Hope tomorrow I got it the first thing  in the morning. It was so busy and many people around the gardens  and beautiful art stuff . Really we had a  nice time. Later after the exhibition we had a big dinner with  everybody. It was amazing!.
Tomorrow I need to go again to supervise one of the gardens for some of the time and later go around for others gardens I didn't see today.  I will have the opportunity to take some more pictures around. I will post some extra tomorrow in my blip  I promise.
Thanks I  bring my little old camera  in the hand bag  and took some pictures of the flowers on the garden this morning.
This beautiful poppy cried my attention. I have never saw one of this colour before.  There are so many around the garden .
Thanks a lot for the comments, hearts  and stars of my beautiful rose.
Hope you are having a nice weekend. The weather here is fantastic warm and sun shine. I am very happy.  

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