Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Slipping into Summertime

After a somewhat busy mid-day, we decided to get out of the house in the afternoon and took the three pooches to the dog park. The minute we reach for their harnesses and leashes excitement erupts. They start jumping all over and barking like crazy.

So we finally got them "hitched-up" and into the car and we were off. We had thought that we might drive to the coast just because, but as we watched the pooches play in the park, we both agreed that not burning-up the gasoline and staying home would be more than relaxing and simply lovely. So that is what we did.

We returned from the dog park and got everything ready to barbecue our dinner. I set the patio table so we could eat outside. Then it was time to get into the pool. The heated spa was immensely relaxing. A while later dinner was delicious.

I did submit my students' semester grades this morning; this is done online, so that felt like accomplishment and the completion of the spring semester. Hooray.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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