Joe's Blips

By joesblips

Willow Munchers

Just where the weekend has gone I simply do not know.I have been running here and there and seemingly chasing my own tail most of the time. Latest news on the brother is that he is comfortable but will have to wear a surgical corset for the rest of his days. After 4 abdominal operations over the years, including 2 in the last 3 weeks, his tummy muscles are pretty well shot. Hopefully all the work the surgeons have done will settle down and cure the problems.

This afternoon I heard a shriek from Mrs.Joesblips who was at the time inspecting her garden. Some of the leaves on the little weeping willow were showing signs of being eaten to bits by something. On examination I found the culprits. Tiny little caterpillars, no more than 10mm from end to end. A blip opportunity which fell into my hands.

No comments again tonight I'm afraid. Tomorrow should be good though.

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