Both Sides Now

By issybe

You know you've made it when...

....on your morning stroll the village elder calls good morning over to you, using your first name! It made me feel like I belong, not that we have ever been made to feel anything but welcome.
The village elder, who shall remain unnamed, is a lovely man, who has of course lived here all his life. He is the one who is always in his front garden with his dog, he is always by the lake when you are and has the prime seat at Sunday afternoon tea by the lake! He knows everything about everyone, in the nicest possible way and it was him telling me all about the plans for the village pub, which recently closed and has been bought by a local business man. It sounds and looks like they are planning a major refurb which is long overdue. I am looking forward to seeing it back to its beautiful old self and spending summer evenings in its garden enjoying a drink and a meal.

For now I am content in my own sunny garden, relaxing with Chester dog and Jack Johnson. Yes I have work to do, but not while it is sunny and warm. It can wait....

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