
By Madchickenwoman

Slow and Easy

Well - I did nothing except what I said i'd do-  I walked Portly, I finished the jam - 6 jars and one large ramekin, plus a bowl of halved and sugared strawberries and a bowl of the best to slice on breakfast cereal and have on bread and butter, said jam and clotted cream!! I did some blip catch up, I read, I ate, I had an afternoon nap in the sun.
Doorbell rang - "do you own a blue car" says the man at my door. "Yes" I say with trepidation and foreboding, and looking past him I see another blue car diagonally opposite mine - damn he's hit it I think. But no! He was coming up the hill behind a bus, and once it passed the blue car it began to roll down the hill! Lucky it did not hit mine thanks to the road camber!  As  I moved my car up the road to allow traffic to pass he tried the houses down the road - no one claimed it. Met loads of people as i stood in the road, all asking what had happened, was the handbrake on, was anyone injured. The general consensus was that the brake pads are next to the clutch mechanism in some cars, so as the car cools they contract and the handbrake slips. 
The guy thinks if my neighbour - owner of Portly  Lucy - moves his car a little, traffic will pass more easily - I tried to dissuade him from asking him but he was undeterred - and got a right mouthful in consequence! He was very diplomatic and persistent and finally neighbour gave in and allowed him to move it. Neighbour has always been very pleasant to me - but I used to hear him rowing with his wife, and he has fallen out with all the others in our terrace. He drinks and has Alzheimers beginning and is easily confused and defensive. Yet every day he asks after my health and that of Friend.
Anyhow - back to the car. Builder man with a red face indicating much drink and imminent heart attack, came down in his jeep with Gallery Owner Man. More discussion on handbrake issues! He would have towed it but had no rope and spurned my offer of a washing line! I bought the line in the hope of rehanging it, but gave up on the idea as the hook is now obscured by my satellite dish! So finally I phoned the police! For the rest of the afternoon I was disturbed by people knocking on my door asking if it was my car / if I knew who owned it! At 6 I looked out and it had gone! 
So I guess a quiet day is just not written in the stars for me! All I have to do is sit in my web and just wait for something to fly into it!

Photo of car and much greenery and a rabbit in the clouds  here!

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