The long farewell

First day back at work so briefings and emails and lots of discussions, including a brief one with our new member of staff, Ruth, who is here to help with policy and practical advice.

I had to advise her that her experience over the next 48 hours would not be typical of working with us! For we have started the countdown to the departure of our colleague and friend, Joe Campbell. Joe arrived February last year for s couple of months to help the organisation out during a transition phase. He flew over each week from Belfast, getting up in the middle of the night to travel by bus from Londonderry to the airport to be with us around 9.30 am.

That he has sustained that for well over a year in order to keep supporting us is a testament to his stamina and commitment and we - and I - have hugely valued his support.

Tomorrow is his last formal day which is to consist of an audit committee and private board meeting to be followed by a farewell with the Board and staff. Today the staff wanted to mark their own best wishes do we went out to a local restaurant. (We did not require him to wear one of his gifts from us - a "see you Jimmie!" hat.

This was the wall decoration which was casting some deep shadows to add to the effect.

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