
By PeckhamBelle

Synchronised styling

Tom's cricket coach is known as ''Coach". Until recently Tom thought Coach was his surname and he was known, in our house, as Coach Coach.

Cue lots of Dad jokes along the lines of, 'How's Coach Coach getting to the match?'

One day Tom came home and said he'd seen Coach's name written on the team sheet 'and guess what? His initials are P.E.!'

P. E. Coach. It would have been a perfect piece of nominative determinism but sadly not remotely true. P for Pete. E for Edwards. Comma. Coach.

Today, Coach coached Tom's team to win the final of the U12 London Cup. They now go on to represent London in next year's Nationals.

The only team in the League to spend more time in the hairdessers than the nets. Looking good, lads. And those shiny gold medals provide a great reflective surface in which to check your quiffs.

Tom surpassed himself tonight, coming home with two medals; one for cricket, and one for the 'Most Valuable Player' in swimming. Increasing his medal quota to date by 200%.

Grace won 'Outstanding Sportsmanship and Contribution' to netball for the 3rd year running.

All that and Senior School Sports Day too.

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