Poppies in da Sun

The day started dull and wet.  It looked like the day was going to remain damp but it stopped raining before lunchtime and the sun came out.  It's been a lovely sunny evening and even getting a bit of the heatwave, the car said it was 18 degrees when I was driving home :)

A busy day at work.  i was in the office today and been wanting to get outside all afternoon.  I nipped home at lunchtime and it was starting to get sunny and warm.  I managed to get a load of washing out on the line :)  Been along to see my sister Laura after tea and we went for a walk with Elise and of course Sammy, up the the Blett road.  I should have been in the garden this evening but hopefully there will be more evenings like this to come :)
Off to work in the pub tonight, I dread it may be busy, sunshine always seems to bring folk out to the pub!  Those oil men having been getting more bad press locally again.  More hassle in Lerwick, aggressive and abusive behaviour in the pubs.  Thankfully they aren't as bad as that in Scalloway. 

On the way up the Blett road and the flowers have been coming out :)  These poppies were looking lovely in the sunshine, please let us keep this weather for a week or so yet, we really do deserve it :)

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